Fall in the South

by - October 02, 2017

In a perfect world, I'd be outside snuggled up in a blanket on my balcony sipping apple cider and wearing some fuzzy socks. The trees would be turning lovely shades of yellow and red and I might decide to grab a pumpkin spice latte! Or maybe buy a new sweater! 
 My fall experience involves lighting some candles and buying two fake pumpkins at target and turning the thermostat down. This video is pretty much me...southern ladies out there, can you relate? 
Also trying on the halloween costumes in Target. 

 Saturday mornings are perfect for peanut butter waffles. This month we're doing a whole 30. Or, trying to. #imstilleatingrice  #anddrinkingcoffee #sorrynotsorry

What's your favorite thing about October? Let me know in a comment below! 

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  1. I LOVE THAT VIDEO. We don't live in the South, but it's been 90 lately. So. I feel the pain. :P

    Lol, and SAME with the Whole30. I want to try it so bad, but there is no way I'm giving up my coffee. #NOTSORRY

    I'm super pumped for Halloween. I don't celebrate it - neither did I grow up celebrating it - but I decided this year that I'm going to dress up Ella anyway and go steal some candy. Because...CHOCOLATE. I'm sorta not really joking. :D

    1. We always dress up and bake brownies and watch movies on Halloween. it's the best. Chocolate for the win!

  2. I'M SO SORRY FOR YOUR LACK OF FALL!! These past few days it's been hot in Ontario, too, but it's a bit of a fluke ... normally we have standard fall weather this time of year. I had to put a t shirt on yesterday and everything in me wanted to reach for a wool sweater instead ... but oh well. :)

    1. Lol, I use to own a wool sweater but gave it away because every time I put it on I started sweating. Hopefully it will start cooling down soon!

  3. YES. I live in Arkansas where the weather has decided to stay steaming instead of cooling off; bipolar weather. I'm not okay with this. At all! But I'm defying it by wearing ankle boots and cardigans anyway. ;)

    1. Bipolar weather is totally Houston too. lol! I am still wearing cardigans and leggings...I mean, I'm inside most of the time anyway where it's freezing cold because my hubs keeps it below 66 24/7.

  4. 😂😂😂 THAT VIDEO THO!! 😂😂😂

    North Carolina is pretty nearly the same. I had on a big comfy sweater this morning and had to abandon it for a short sleeve tee before noon. #southernlivin

    We can dream of frosty mornings and fire lit evenings in December.


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