Zelienople, Pennsylvania.

by - October 26, 2015

This week I went to visit my family in PA for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary.  Time has gone by too fast, and I wish we didn't have to say goodbye. My heart feels so full of the wonderful memories we have made together during this time; laughter and coffee around an old kitchen table, going on long walks and marveling at the changing leaves, singing hymns together, and drinking hot apple cider in the back yard. 

My mom takes Jumping photos very seriously. 
This photo was a view from my run, it's one of my favorites. I had just run up a giant hill and I was huffing and puffing, and when I came around the bend this was a perfect excuse to stop for a moment. How could I not take a picture?

My sweet Great Grandma. 
95 and she's still got swag. 
Cousin Laney and I being silly in our  giant fluffy coats. 
On a run! 

This is the town my mom grew up in. It's really small, and you can walk everywhere. Almost every morning we walked to some sort of bakery or coffee shop. Yummy! 

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  1. Fun post! I cracked up at your mom in the jumping photo and the one of your great grandma. haha
    It looks like a beautiful town!! :)

    xx Sarah

    1. Also...I realized after I had already commented that I recognized the town name Zelienople for a reason! My grandparents live in PA too, and we have to drive through Zelienople to get there. What a small world!
      Thanks for the comment on my blog. :)

  2. Beautiful, beautiful post!! Autumn looks so good on Pennsylvania. ♥

  3. your sweet grandma got swag!! and your last pic looks appetizing! Pennsylvania looks beautiful in Fall x
    have a great time!


  4. Oh my goodness, this is so sweet. I love the view of those beautiful red and yellow leaves, the fact that you go on runs on such gorgeous places, the swag of your grandma, the joy in your family....what a sweet time. Very special!

  5. Your grandma is awesome! I love the photo of the swans too. There's something so peaceful about swans floating on a lake.


  6. This is so much gold, oh my goodness i love these. First off that 95 swag but also the leaves and wow. Okay i'm a fan now k bye.


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