Friday Favorites

by - September 25, 2015

Some of my favorite things lately: 
-"I Walked The Line" By Vivian Cash. One of my favorite movies is "I walk the line" with Joaquin Phoenix. But as usual, the movie portrays the story very differently.  The majority of the book is actually a compilation of letters from Johnny to Vivian. Heartbreaking, yes. But it really shows the truth of what happened between Johnny and Vivian and June. 
-Ryan Adams 1989 cover record. I feel like this is something you'd either love or hate. I definitely jam to  "1989", but this cover album is a whole new ball game. Gives me some serious feels. 
-This video, inspired by the book "Steal like an Artist". 
-This coconut coffee creamer recipe.  Dairy and I don't get along too well. So I went searching the great interweb for a coffee creamer recipe that actually tasted good. This recipe right here is a winner. Kind of time consuming, but so yummy! 
-"Tiny; a story about living small" This documentary is just downright cool, not to mention inspiring. I would love to live in a tiny house someday. It makes you think twice about how much you really need. 

Hope you're having a lovely week! 

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  1. lovely post!! :) I loved the book "Steal Like an Artist" - off to watch that video now! ;)

    <3 Sarah


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