“Be who you are, say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr seuss
Hey ya'll, hope you're doing well! I've kinda been on and off the struggle bus lately when it comes to treating my lyme, but hey, what else is new?
The lord has really put it on my heart to start sharing my story more online. Like on youtube. (Yikes?!) It's so easy to get wrapped up in my own head and worry about what others are going to think of me, but when it all comes down who really cares? Fear is usually the thing that stops me from doing something I want to do. It definitely takes courage to share your heart and your story. So if you are struggling with being vulnerable, please know you aren't the only one! But also know sharing your heart can be so powerful. Please do.
Any of you guys have a youtube? I'd love to watch! Please share!