I am so thankful for my boyfriend Hunter. What a genuine and kindhearted person he is. He also always makes me laugh :)
What's even better is getting to share music with others.
Last but not least, I'm thankful for my job. I get to teach music at a place called The Rehearsal Room. It is one of my most favorite things in the world!
My good friends Emily and Ryan had their sweet baby girl on November 18th and I got to be there to document the event with my camera. Talk about special! One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I'm so thankful for them, and for their sweet little girl.
I'm doing a project where I put out a different song each much. This was my song for November.
I cannot describe how much I love and treasure the gift of music. Writing, and listening.
Last but not least, I'm thankful for my job. I get to teach music at a place called The Rehearsal Room. It is one of my most favorite things in the world!
November 24, 2016
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Hey friends! I was looking through my old photos and I realized I had never shared these Senior photos with you! This is my dear friend Rylee! She graduated back in May and I was delighted to take her photos. Is she gorgeous or what? I love her great big smile!
October 07, 2016
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Today I woke up early and it was actually a little bit cool outside. Even though it's still hot in the afternoon, it's beginning to feel a teeny tiny bit like fall. There's nothing I love more than going on a morning run watching the sunrise. It makes dragging myself out of bed worth it. Oh, and also coffee is always good motivation to wake up!
Here's a short list of my favorite things this month-
Reading: "The Promise Of Jesse Woods" by Chris Fabry.
This book is becoming one of my favorites. My mom recommended it to me a couple weeks ago and it drew me in at once. Full of mystery, humor, and runs deep.
Listening: "Hero" by Family of the Year.
Also the Spirit soundtrack by Bryan Adams. Brings back memories. #childhoodnostalgia
Eating: Roasted butternut squash soup.
It's like the kind from panera but way better.
Photographing: Any yellow leaves I can find.
There's not many. I get way to excited when I see a hint of gold or orange on a tree.
Hope you are having a lovely September.
September 27, 2016
Hello friends, here is the song I've been working on this past month! Take a listen or download for free here.
Hope you like it!
September 20, 2016
I think these are some of my favorite photos ever! My dear friends Emily and Ryan are expecting a sweet baby girl in November. If you have a moment to spare, you should Read their story here. I got to take a few maternity pictures of Emmy yesterday. Does she look like a model or what?
Hope you're having a good week,
September 14, 2016
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Early Tuesday morning while we were in Colorado, my boyfriend Hunter and I decided to hike Mount Princeton. (It's a 14er. 14,191 feet to be exact. Yeah, a bit of a hike...) We drove up part of the way so we'd only have to go 6 miles round trip instead of 13.
I was scared I wouldn't be able to go the night before because my knees had been bothering me, thanks to my flat-as-Texas-feet. But I felt pretty good when I woke up so we decided to go. This picture was when we stopped to grab some water/food at about 12,000 feet. Hunter instagramed the picture and his caption read: "Right now we are at about 12000 feet, got a little ways to go."
A little ways to go? Ha! That's what we thought...
Even though this wasn't the top, I thought it was a pretty outstanding view. It's so quiet up there. It makes you feel so small when you see something like that. |
Then we reached a part of the trail that pretty much scared me half to death...
Oh how deceivingly easy it looks in pictures! It appears to be gravel from far away, but ohhhh no. Those are big rocks on a steep ledge that we had to climb over. To someone who isn't fond of heights, I was pretty nervous. It seemed to take forever to climb over those rocks. The roughly marked path actually curved around the other side of the mountain in a big S shape, and every time I thought we were almost there it seemed we still had so far to go. We stopped to grab some water and Hunter said, "I feel like the closer we get, the farther the peak is." We both knew it would be hard but I don't think we were quite prepared for what it would actually be like.
OH, and by the way I saw mountain goats for the first time. They just scrambled up the side of the mountain like it was nothing while Hunter and I were struggling over the boulders. lol |
As time went on, we noticed dark clouds coming quickly towards us. But we had gone so far...we decided to keep going. We had started at 8am...at least two hours too late. We were both starting to get pretty tired. Hunter said, "I feel like we're in Lord of the Rings".
After what seemed to be an eternity, we finally made it to the peak! We were so close to the summit, probably only about 500 more feet away. But as we were climbing we passed some other hikers. They were obviously professionals who know what they were doing, and expressed concern for us to turn around because of the rain clouds. Me, being the worry wart that I am and terrified of getting stuck on the mountain in a thunderstorm, at once insisted we go back down. Neither one of us wanted to, it had taken us nearly four hours just to reach the peak. But those clouds were coming in so fast, so we had to turn around. Sad day.
Anyway, even though we didn't really reach 14,191 feet, we made it to about 13,800...so I'm still saying we hiked a 14er. By the time we were on the road again, it was beginning to rain. In retrospect we probably could have made it to the summit, but in the end we both agreed it was the right choice to turn around. Bummer. I'm still glad we went as far as we did though, it was certainly a bonding experience and I loved being able to go with my best friend!
I couldn't help but think how climbing this mountain represent a lot of things spiritually for me.
I can see where I want to be, I can see the Summit. And I've definitely started climbing. I know it's where the Lord wants me to be. But oh, it is not as easy as I once thought. All my expectations come crumbling down and I realize I have a long way to go.
I also realized I can't do it on my own. I so desperately need Jesus to help me every step of the way, one step at a time. When we were climbing the mountain, it was easy to get overwhelmed thinking of how far there was left. So I would just focus on a rock or a bush ahead of me and think, "just get to there..." and then keep going.
Isn't real life the same? It's good to have a big picture in mind, but sometimes it's better to simply focus on what God has given me now, what small steps I can take in this moment.
Isn't it crazy how God can use experiences to shape us and teach us things? I'm so thankful for the chance to hike Mount Princeton with Hunter, and even more thankful we made it back down. (haha!)
September 12, 2016

Back in late June, I was blessed to take Hailley and Cody's engagement photos! We got to take them at a beautiful Theological library called Lanier. (one of my favorite places ever.) It was a muggy, wet and rainy day, but somehow the rain let up for a little bit and we got to sneak some photos in!
Are they adorable or what? Hailley and I met back in our high school small group and church, and when she got engaged I was so excited and happy for her! They are the sweetest couple :)
September 02, 2016
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Hey folks, I know it's been awhile! This year has gone by incredibly fast and I can hardly believe all that's happened in such a short amount of time.
This year I was so blessed to be able to take a trip to Buena Vista Colorado with my family and my boyfriend Hunter! I had never been there before. I couldn't believe my eyes- everywhere I looked it was like I was staring at a painting. I took a billion pictures...though I found no picture could ever quite capture the beauty of the rockies.
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This was monday- we drove up to St. Elmo, where there is a ghost town. One of the tourist attractions was feeding the chipmunks-yes, I loved it. Joy my little sister especially loved it :) |
This was the abandon mine at St. Elmo. Hunter and I drove up the mountain and then hiked a little ways up to find it. It was a little bit creepy, but beautiful at the same time.
One of the nicest things was waking up in the mourning and sitting on the porch while watching the sun rise. When it would come up over the trees, the light would hit the white chalk cliffs behind our cabin and make them look pink and orange.
This was at the continental divide. It was simply breathtaking. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it-We even found snow! I think that's the first time I've ever seen snow in August.
I am so thankful I got to go. Yet there was this bittersweet feeling, because we all knew we had to come home to Houston. While Texas is home and I love my life here, sometimes I find myself longing to be surrounded with something other than concrete and strip malls. However, I truly am thankful for the time I spent there and I hope to go again someday!
Bye for now,
August 30, 2016